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Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Hey there!

I am Ada Disinger, founder & creator of SafeHaven Freedom Ministries, Inc. I am a 38 year old free spirit who probably has way too much free time on her hands and spends every one of those little free moments creating something.

This past year I went through a major trauma event and started my gut wrenching grief journey. Through this time, I have found there is a release from the pain when using my noggin to create and make beauty out of ashes through anything… It can be art, writing, gardening and getting my hands dirty, taking time to create a safe space on our farm to prepare for others to use as well in their healing journeys.

My family and I have been very busy with starting this ministry. We have had 8 years of God downloading what will come, what we will do, and why. It’s crazy to see it all being built and coming to fruition! I remember those past moments, thinking but not doubting.


“Us, you trust us with all of this responsibility?”

“Well, ok?!” (trying not to sigh out loud as if God didn’t already know the heaviness in my heart!)

Then, I put my big girl pants on and ramped up my prayer life asking more, expecting more, and delivering more, that of which is given to me and here we are!!

I am currently living in Auburn, Indiana with my husband Garrett. He’s the CEO of the ministry and my go-to guy for everything and anything in life. He’s the smartest person I know and is by the far the hardest working person I have ever met. Truth is, I look up to him and find that so valuable in this day and age. We live on our small 4.5 acre Eco Therapy Farm with our youngest son, Asher, who is definitely a comedian in training and keeps us laughing. Feel free to come over to enjoy a belly laugh or two…or three. Wherever he goes he leaves a trail of happy behind him.

Our oldest boy, Zaine is now grown and started his own little family in Frankfort, Indiana. (Um, can we say baby fever because our first grand baby is on the way!) We couldn’t be more proud of him and his family!

Back to that subject of grief.

Unfortunately, we lost our middle son, Lake in October, 2021. As we are still and will always be walking out this new grief journey, we are so proud to share who he was and his testimony. Sharing him allows his light to bring those lost into freedom and we know we will continue to watch his story save lives! When I have moments, I may feel I don’t understand. I think back about how I told God the day before Lake’s funeral, “You saved him and healed him from his suffering, now use him to free others.” Well, two young adults were saved and received Jesus at the end of his funeral…

That really puts it all back into a healthy perspective and frame of mind to be able to move forward in all this. But let’s be real. I may have had quite the attitude at the time. I initially “told” God, you took him…so you better…with a good firm finger point pointing up at Him. A year later, I am just so full of thankfulness and rest in His sovereignty.


With the help of Lake’s testimony, we are seeing lives changed right before us. And to be transparent, it has helped me find freedom in my own afflictions as well. God will never fall short!


You learn, grow and evolve from these events in life. Some of these events this past year have been titled, “Tragedy into triumph” and “God makes it beautiful.” Look for those blogs soon!

I have been writing for a couple of years and looking back, most were during times of shame, regret and trauma through my life. I found myself writing only during those moments even as a young girl. I will still find old poems and journal entries from the past and they’re not happy. They are dark, sad and lonely. I often wonder if my new journey as a blogger will come with a struggle as I am not used to using writing as a filter for sharing good. However, isn’t that what this is all about? Maybe that’s why everytime I sit to write all the masterpieces in my head, I freeze. Literally it can all be in my brain, I visualize it on paper and at times start to write and freeze, this is just a stress response, I must remember.

Writing is a coping skill so it makes sense there’s a little battle within. It takes a long time, sometimes days I mentally will prepare to write. A lot of prayer and a lot of inner healing must happen within myself to get past the hang ups and struggles trying to keep me locked in that frozen state where everything seems safe.

I fully believe that blogging is my outlet and a huge part of my healing journey. I am learning that a little bit of movement releases so many layers and that stress response gets dimmer. I don’t need to work on all the layers all at once. They are manageable and when working through them it gets easier. I do not honor anxiety and depression. They are real and they like to take over. They have won many days, however slowly I am getting stronger against them when I am putting in the work.


The more I am aligning in my calling of healing the more freedom and release I experience. I have a deep desire to share and want this freedom for others. I want to share through writing so others can help themselves and find out who they are and what their purpose is. To also receive healing because they rightfully deserve it. God thinks we deserve it, so we could start thinking the same! God doesn’t want us stuck anymore! Let’s start healing together!


I am ready.

ready to step out and provide solutions. I may not have all the answers and I most definitely will never become prideful and think I have it all figured out. My way may not be the next persons way. It’s not really about me at all. It comes down to accepting that my calling will help some and and as long as we are having fun while here, then mission accomplished.

I look forward to sharing lots on these subjects, our eco therapy farm, peer recovery, mental health, lifestyle, wellness, faith, healing and all things nutrition. I can’t forget about all the awesome valuable information about our homemade products that we are starting to provide! I am so excited to offer my knowledge and wisdom in the production of these products.


Maybe you didn’t know but our family started a little business inside of our ministry. SafeHaven Commodities, (but let’s call it SHC for short.)

We created SHC to help bring in financial support for production and sale of merchandise. Product recipes are created by me. Products are made by me, clients, volunteers and staff. All proceeds go to support our SHFM mission. To bring recognition, resources and recovery to teens, young adults and veterans who want their freedom and faith restored.

I have experience in 15 years cosmetology (the study of hair, skin and nails.) I left the field to dive into my new studies of holistic health and lifestyle these past 7 years. I’ve decided to blend both worlds and step into my new role to learn all things me, mind body and soul so I can continue to create and heal holistically, not only on the inside with my new lifestyle but on the outside too. Crazy how changing a lifestyle can take years off from the way you look and feel!! I have found solutions over time and find they are working for others too! I have had a lot of reviews from other clients using some of the products I make that they are seeing and feeling results. From lifelong psoriasis (skin disease) going away to acne scars and sunspots disappearing. It blesses me to hear that something I have created is working and bringing some happy skin healing to others.

I am ecstatic to be used as a tool to bring a smile to someone’s face and have them gain some hope back when they felt there wasn’t a solution.

We have four products released and they will be featured in our new online store!

We couldn’t be more pumped to provide a way for others to receive their product faster and headache free! Be sure to follow along and keep your eyes open for the new online store coming soon!


I have made it my mission to help others feel less overwhelmed and more satisfied with their lives while maneuvering through their own personal health journey and whatever that may look like. I make it a goal to meet others right where they are.


I have many lived experiences that allow me to empathize and understand others burdens, I have spent years prepping for this and know that God has placed me in this position, I look forward to even more healing, and never want to stop learning! I expect to receive all the gifts from serving and know serving is what keeps me ticking! Let’s build a stronger self and heal together, what do you say!?

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Jan 17, 2023

Dear AdaLove,

I am proud of you way beyond what my words can say here. You have such gifts…one of which is writing from your heart and soul. It is an amazing outlet for your deeper calling of helping others face both tragedy and redemption. More latet…

Love you❣️


Oct 19, 2022

Thank you for sharing! Always praying for you! Looking forward to your next read.

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